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This Privacy Policy applies to the operations of Mamakai Foundation Limited ACN 674 740 893 as trustee for Mamakai Foundation ABN 56 749 045 028 (Mamakai) within Australia, and explains how personal information will be dealt with by Mamakai. 

The policy is designed to ensure that Mamakai, its Board members and its committee members comply with and observe the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles (APP), set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act), which govern our collection, use and disclosure of personal information. Additional information about the APP is available at:

This Privacy Policy does not replace or limit the requirements under the Act or the APP.

We are committed to the protection of personal information in accordance with these privacy laws throughout our operations. 

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, hold, use, disclose, secure and otherwise manage the personal information of website usage, applicants and donors. It describes the types of information we collect, hold and why, how to access and correct the information and how to make a privacy complaint.


When you visit this website, our server (using Google Analytics) makes an anonymous record of your visit and may obtain the following information for statistical purposes only:

  • Date and time
  • Pages viewed
  • Type of browser
  • Country of origin
  • Top level IP address

Data before and after visiting the site is not recorded.

No attempt will be made to identify users or track their browsing activities unless, in the unlikely event of an investigation, a law enforcement agency obtains a warrant to inspect the service provider’s logs.

Collection of personal information

Mamakai collects personal information to determine which applicants will be awarded financial grants each year. Mamakai maintains records of this personal information, which may be stored electronically and/or in hard copy files.

The collected personal information is used for the purpose of determining financial grants and may be shared publicly, including on the Mamakai website.

The types of personal information collected by Mamakai includes, but are not limited to:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Email addresses, contact telephone, fax and mobile numbers
  4. Organisation information and details
  5. Business details and operations, including financial information, charity status, and DGR registration status with the ATO

Mamakai also collects personal information from third parties through searches such as ASIC, ATO, ACNC, and other sources.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies on our website to analyse how you interact with the website, enabling us to enhance its design and functionality and improve your browsing experience (we use this data to understand how you use our website so we can improve its design and functionality). These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information and cannot harm your computer. Our goal is to make our website informative, personalised, and user-friendly, and cookies help us achieve this. For more cookie information visit

Use and disclosure of personal information

Mamakai will not disclose your personal information to any third party except when required by law and/or in accordance with the Act and the APP.

Grant Applicants

Applicants consent to Mamakai’s use of their submitted personal information.

The personal information will be used primarily to determine an application for a financial grant, and for reasonable secondary purposes such as disclosures required by law (e.g., in response to a lawful request for information or a subpoena issued by (but not limited to) ASIC, ACNC, or the ATO). Additionally, an applicant’s personal information may be used in media releases regarding successful grant recipients.


Donors consent to Mamakai’s use of their submitted personal information.

The personal information will be used primarily to process the receipt of a donation, and for reasonable secondary purposes such as disclosures required by law (e.g., in response to a lawful request for information or a subpoena issued by (but not limited to) ASIC, ACNC, or the ATO). 

Subject to the above:

  • An applicant, donor or third parties personal information are disclosed only for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Mamakai will only disclose personal information for other purposes with the relevant party’s consent.

There are exceptional circumstances under the Act where Mamakai is permitted to disclose personal information for other purposes without the applicant, the donor, or third party’s consent, including but not limited to situations where the disclosure is authorised by law and reasonably necessary to enforce the law (e.g., if Mamakai is subpoenaed).

Accuracy of personal information

Mamakai relies on the accuracy of the personal information it collects from applicants, donors and third parties. Mamakai may not verify or check the personal information provided by applicants or others. Applicants are requested to inform Mamakai of any changes or corrections to their personal information. Upon request, Mamakai will update or amend your personal information.


Our website uses secure credit card facilities provided by third party providers.

Donations are managed by DonorBox and Stripe. Both platforms are Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) compliant, ensuring they meet the highest security standards to protect your information.

Mamakai will take measures to ensure that all records of personal information are maintained in a secure environment. These records are accessible to all Mamakai Board members, committee members and advisors, who are subject to privacy obligations. All personal information collected will be retained for a minimum period of seven years.

Access to Personal Information

Upon request, an applicant may access their personal information held by Mamakai, except in circumstances where access may be denied under the Act (in which case reasons will be provided). Examples of such circumstances include (but are not limited to):

  • Where providing access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of another individual;
  • Where providing access may prejudice an investigation of potential unlawful activity; or
  • Where denying access is authorised by law.

To request access to personal information, please email Mamakai through the Contact page on our website.

How to make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, please submit your complaint in writing through the Contact page on our website. We will endeavour to respond to your complaint within 30 days of receiving your complaint. 

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